Friday, February 24, 2006


The comments made by Deputy Prime Minister Peter Costello about obligations becoming an Australian or for that matter being an Australian resonated with me.
I emigrated from Holland to New Zealand adopting that Country and naturalizing as a New Zealand citizen and years later emigrating to Australia and subsequently naturalizing as an Australian citizen.
As far as I can remember, an old? bloke at 74, I have always firmly believed my wish and need to integrate in the country, area, city and community of my choice and this seems to be a trait of most Dutchmen over the many years in distant history to today. Have you ever heard of cultural or religious clashes about Dutch people in any country?
It's difficult to relocate yourself to another country, the younger you are the easier that is and likewise the the older you are more difficult it is and the subtle pressure by the elders of the family who either or both don't understand or don't want to adopt (or change) makes it difficult for the younger people to find their feet.
This brings me to my belief that in order to be part of a community, country, you have to compromise, adapt without need to compromise your individual values, morals, standards, religion and what ever is important to you. If that is not possible there may be another country more suitable for for you.

1 comment:

Hennie van Dyk said...

Christina said:
"I like it here. Since Australia's citizens demanded the abolition of 'Tatts ticket' conscription for the Vietnam war, we have not been forced, at the risk of our freedom, to demonstrate that our personal values are different from those of our lemming-brained federal government. But the next time may not be far away. "
Christina Ratcliffe